Please Note: We are away for the 2nd half of September, so if you need your order quickly, please place it before Thursday September 12th.

New Book

I have recently finished writing a new book - 'The Healing Power of Music'     
This book explores the reasons why listening to music is so healing for us. It contains a wealth of information about scientific research into the healing effects of music. The book also contains colour photographs, links to sound bites and links to numerous useful web sites.  
The book has sections on: 

The Origins of Music,

What are Musical Scales,

The Ancient Greek Modes,


Why is Music Healing,

Intervals in Nature,

The Effects of Different Musical Intervals,


The Well Tempered Scale,

How did the Musical Scale Develop,

Why Babies Prefer Harmony 

There are sections on The Characteristics of Different Musical Keys, Colour and Musical Pitches, Music and Emotional Response, Music and the Brain, Scientific Research into the Effects of Music, How Music Affects Us, Can Listening to Music be Harmful to Us, Singing and Health, Singing in Schools and the Effects of Music on Plants and Animals.   

At present the book is only available as a PDF download.    The book contains extensive references for all the information contained. (The book has 124 A4 pages) -   Delivered via e-mail in Adobe PDF Format - Cost £12.00.  -  I am selling the book as a pdf as it includes lots of web links to sound bites and interesting web sites.  
To order your copy please go to - -  
Many Blessings, Simon

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